
From 27 to 29 March UzExpoCenter hosted the 5th International Industrial Forum. SSK “QURILISH TEXNOLOGIYALARI” was awarded a diploma of specialized exhibition "UzSecureExpo-2013"

On 15 April 2011 Higher Technical School of Fire Safety (HTSFS) of Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan held a seminar “Development of Information Support and Advice in Fire Safety of Small Businesses and Private Entrepreneurship", supported by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Commerce and Industry Chamber of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Uzbekistan, General Directorate of Fire Safety. The seminar was organized by the fire-technical exhibition, which was attended by SSK “Qurilish Texnologiyalari”.

On 7-10 October the 3rd Central Asian International Exhibition CAIPS-2009 was held. SSK “QURILISH TEXNOLOGIYALARI” participated in it together with “Security Technology” “FORTEZA”.

Exhibition of Fire and Technical Equipment, dedicated to the Republic of Uzbekistan Championship on Fire Fighting Sports.
Venue: HTSFS of Ministry of Interior, Tashkent, 23 Sh.Rashidov Street

During the exhibition a team of specialists, who particularly distinguished themselves in ensuring the fire safety of the Republic of Uzbekistan were awarded with medals and marks of distinction. Among the recipients was the director of QURILISH TEXNOLOGIYALARI Alexander Vasiliev who was awarded with decoration of Higher Technical School of Fire Safety.
Venue: HTSFS of Ministry of Interior, Tashkent, Sh.Rashidov Street, 23.

“Telecommunications and Computer Technologies”
Organizers: ITE Group, Itesa Osyo, Iteca, EUF

Tashkent, UzExpoCenter
Organizers: ITE Group, ITE Uzbekistan, Iteca, EUF

Tashkent, UzExpoCenter
Organizers: ITE Group, ITE Uzbekistan

Ташкент, UzExpoCentre
Organizers: ITE Group, ITE Uzbekistan

2001 Tashkent, National Bank of Uzbekistan Stadium
«Safety 2001. Video Surveillance and Alarm and Communication Systems»
Organizer: Republican Association “Ohrana” of Ministy of Interior of Uzbekistan

2002 Tashkent, Cinema House «Safety 2002»
Organizer: Republican Association “Ohrana” of Ministy of Interior of Uzbekistan